Mexic-Arte Museum
Mexic-Arte Museum is dedicated to cultural enrichment and education through the collection, preservation and presentation of traditional and contemporary Mexican, Latino, and Latin American art and culture to promote dialogue and develop understanding for visitors of all ages. Since its inception in 1984, this favorite Austin museum has grown to welcome 75,000 visitors per year. As the Official Mexican and Mexican-American Fine Art Museum of the State of Texas, it’s an ideal place to learn about the rich and varied artistic traditions and innovations of the Mexican art community.
[one_half][icon name="map-marker"] 419 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701, USA[/one_half]
[one_half][icon name="phone"] (512)480-9373[/one_half]
[one_half][icon name="globe"][/one_half]
[one_half][icon name="clock-o"] Open: Monday–Thursday 10 AM – 6 PM
Friday & Saturday 10 AM – 5 PM
Sunday Noon – 5 PM[/one_half]
[one_half][icon name="usd"] Adults $7
Senior Citizens $4
Students $4
Ages 12 & under $1
Mexic-Arte Members FREE
[one_half][icon name="calendar"] Make A Reservation[/one_half]
[one_half][icon name="info-circle"] Free Sunday Tours
Sponsored by HEB and HEB Tournament of Champions. Tours at 2pm & 3pm, Spanish Tours upon request (see store associate for info).
Metered street parking is available along 5th St., Congress Ave., and the surrounding blocks.
Please note: Food, drinks, and backpacks are prohibited within the museum galleries.[/one_half]