We’ve gathered 10 of the most jealousy-inducing travel blogs out there.

The perfect life you’re not living? Got it. Urban fashion in exotic cities? Check. Photography so good it makes you a little angry? It’s there and then some. Genuine travelers that are working hard and doing the travel blog gig thing and making it work? Yep. You’ll want to hate them but first, you have to spend a good hour creeping on them.

10 jealousy inducing travel blogs

Petite Passport

Petite Passport

She eats at places because of the interior. Pauline Egge finds the best looking restaurants, coffee shops, co-working spaces, shops and hotels. You’ll find yourself planning trips to places like Zandvoort, Netherlands to visit a beach club (yeah, I didn’t know that was a thing in the Netherlands either.)

hither and thither

Hither and Thither

Ashley looks like she has a perfect life. She grew up in California, explored New York with her husband when they were newlyweds (and deeply in love) and now they’re settled in California with two cute kids and an adorable cocker spaniel. Her husband is a doctor and Ashley is a travel blogger. Like what. Are you even real?

fresh off the grid

Fresh off the Grid 

Megan McDuffie and Michael van Vliet drive around the United States and Canada, looking rustic-cute and making food out of the back of a van that is better than what I make in a fully stocked kitchen. You’ll find recipes for jerky and preserves, cocktails and vegan food, full meals and trail mix “bliss balls.” Here I am eating cereal and pasta because I was too lazy to go grocery shopping– it’s almost infuriating how well they’ve got things together.

Carnets de Traverse

Carnets de Traverse

This travel blog screams  aesthetic.

The entire blog is in French, but that just enhances the ethereal quality of the sweeping landscapes and poignant portraits. If you actually want to read what Julie Sarperi, the freelance designer behind the blog, writes, use google chrome. Its translations are fairly flawless.

You will spend hours on this blog ogling beauty beyond reach and wishing you were French.

Culinary Backstreets

Culinary Backstreets 

Ok, so it’s not the prettiest looking blog but the content covers one of our favorite topics: street food.

A huge team (over 70 people) contribute to Culinary Backstreets. The street food is from around the world– from Istanbul to Mexico city. Partway through an article though, you’ll realize that you will likely never consume the delicious street-side delicacy that you’re reading about. Prepare to feel intense food envy.

Meraviglia Paper

Meraviglia Paper

The writing can be difficult to understand (Italian is their first language) but the blog is just damn pretty to look at. The writers go to exclusive restaurants and take pictures of food that I wouldn’t know how to eat. There are no bylines, which adds an element of mystery to each piece (it’s also bad journalistic integrity, but we’ll let it slide.) Meraviglia Paper says it “helps you decide where to stay.” If that’s true, you’ll be pining for luxury stays in Italy and Argentina.

this is the place i was telling you about

This Is The Place I Was Telling You About 

The couple running this blog is so beautiful, I want to punch them. They’re models for Chrissake. Models and travel bloggers. Living in New York City. Why do I even try?

The content isn’t deep, it’s more-or-less small blurbs with tons of photos. But R’el Dade and Marcus Lloyd find quaint spots with character. Their warmth and joy comes through the blog, making me want to hate them even more.

Bacon is Magic

Bacon is Magic

Get ready for another round of food envy. Food blogger Ayngelina eats such good food.

She’s delicate about how she presents food experiences– she’ll say she doesn’t like something but that other people might for X Y and Z reasons. Her and her husband travel and eat. It’s the reality we all want.

The Blog Abroad

The Blog Abroad

How does Gloria get such good photos of herself? How does she always look so happy and full of life? How is she so beautifully confident? Gloria, share your secrets with us!

Roads and Kingdoms

Roads and Kingdoms

This site leans on good reporting and writing with some intriguing photographs thrown in for good measure. You won’t feel instant jealousy but it will stoke your desire to travel and before you know it, you’ll be scrolling through their guides making mental notes about cities you actually have no intention of visiting.