Whether you believe in the power of zodiac signs or not, it’s always fun to see where the stars will take you.



Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash
Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

Aries starts off the zodiac. Courageous and energetic, Aries seeks out high energy and adventure. India is a vibrant country perfect for an exploratory Aries. India is still growing at an astonishing rate but its roots run deep. There are enough cultural attractions to keep even the busiest traveler content. India provides a high-energy trip with plenty of moments for reflection and growth– perfect for any Aries.



Fiji photo by Christian Haugen
Photo by Christian Haugen.

The bull, Taurus is depicted as grounded and in control but also loves luxury and excess. Fiji is the vacation spot of choice for Taurus. The island escape is comfortable and luxurious but filled with plenty to do and see. You can enjoy the rewards of your hard work and relax.



Photo by Paul van Harten on Unsplash

Chatty and outgoing, Gemini love making connections and being the center of attention. With its friendly people and quirky spirit, Georgia is the country for Gemini. Strike up a conversation with the locals and you’ll likely find yourself invited to share a meal and a few drinks. Georgia embodies a mix of old cultures in an Eastern European country that is uniquely and proudly itself. Gemini will love the friendly people and the adventurous spirit of Georgia.




Drawn to honesty, Cancer are reliable and empathetic. Canada is the perfect place for people born under the cancer sign to seek rejuvenation and friendly people. Cultural powerhouses like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal offer foodie and artsy experiences. Canada isn’t your first thought for “places that inspire romance,” but immerse yourself in the landscape and you’ll be thinking differently. Canada offers art, food and beauty for the loving Cancer sign.




Leos seek out adoration, recognition and luxury. Vienna, Austria is the place to go for a vacationing Leo. Vienna boasts an artistic and intellectual prestige that rivals anywhere in the world. The grand architecture will make anyone feel like royalty for a day.




Quiet, calm and creative, Virgo looks and listens, leading a rich internal life beneath the venire of calm. What a better place to watch life go by than one of the oldest, continuously inhabited cities, Cairo, Egypt? There is more than enough to take in and learn from. Any Virgo will feel mentally stimulated by the ancient monuments, historical buildings and rich tapestry of food and people.




Libra look for balance. Harmony is important to Libra, making an escape into China’s vast and wild nature an easy pick. Libra may find peace in Buddhist temples and beauty and balance in any of the national parks. Ecotourism is small but growing in China, and offers the chance for any Libra to seek balance.



Buenos Aires, Argentina

Exacting, contemplative and able to quickly get to the bottom of things, Scorpios have no time for dishonesty or games. Beautiful Argentina is just what a Scorpio needs to enjoy both their inner and outer lives. Argentina is the perfect place to be alone but not feel lonely. The range of natural beauty is astounding and the mix of European, American and native cultures will keep any Scorpio happily busy.




Sagittarius are prone to travel as it is. Sagittarius need room to roam and Jordan’s deserts and ruins provide just that. Jordan will feed Sagittarius’ adventurous spirit. Bustling bazars and little-known food stalls entice travelers looking for experiences off the beaten path. Roman ruins decorate city-centers and the ancient history of Petra will make anyone feel like Indiana Jones.




Achievement drives Capricorns. Goal oriented, Capricorn do best with a trip that furthers their own lives in a tangible way. Brazil, specifically Sau Paulo, holds economic opportunity and the opportunity to volunteer in educational efforts or preserving the endangered flora and fauna. Brazil is a dynamic country that will push Capricorns towards achieving their personal and professional goals.



Dublin, Ireland

The Aquarius sign makes friends where ever they go. Networking is their strength, but Aquarius also crave time alone. Ireland proffers up friendly people more than willing to share their culture, but you also won’t be amiss alone in a pub. Aquarius can balance time with locals and time alone in friendly Ireland, making it the perfect place for them.




Empathetic, caring and creative, Pisces are often the most mysterious zodiac sign. The myriad of islands, cultures, languages and customs of Indonesia provide fuel for Pisces’ internal fire. The deep-rooted cultures will stoke Pisces’ vibrant inner life. And, for Pisces that don’t want to venture too far out of their comfort zones, there are plenty of vacation packages that present the best the country has to offer.